Finding Your Creative Groove With Rhythms
It’s fun to make rhythms of all kinds.
It’s fun to rhythm each and every line.
Pick up your pen each day and see what will come your way.
I like to do it in the night when the stars are out and the moon lit bright.
I just write, all through the night.
It helps me to focus on something good, instead of trying to recall every could, should or would.
I can just let the juices flow, little by little and row by row.
I feel so much better, despite the weather.
It maybe rainy, damp and cold, but it doesn’t matter, I’ve been told.
It’s what you do with your thoughts.
So open up and let them come, let them flow everyone.
Big or small, whatever may call.
Just write, write, write.
It’s my creative outlet and it’s my flow, I let the pen just go.
Out to the moon and back again, I just never know when it will end.
So forgive yourself and take the gift off the shelf.
Open up and let it out, it will be fun, that’s what I’m writing about.
There is no wrong way, just flow with Yahweh.
The giver of every good and perfect gift, you’re sure to find it a real lift.